John de Lancie as Ted in Multiplicity

Problems this morning?

( John de Lancie as Ted)

Do you know what I think?

This is not just a 9 to 5 job.

There was a saying where I worked last.

Are you talking about working week-ends?

I'm ready!

My office in 10 minutes!

My half day.

Oh fine!

You are not fooling anybody with that go go attitude.

I'm on top of you. I see you my friend.

The branch of 2 gas lines.

Alcohol and drugs

Which line is feeding the gas lines?

This guy doesn't know what he is doing!

(John always manages to steal the scene)

Kenny, Doug Kenny

You stop all work, now!

I suggest you get your act together!

John manages to make the most out of few lines.

John manages to steal every scene he is in!

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COPYRIGHT 1998 By Mary Jensen